Health Guarantee

Beaubriar Irish Setters offers the following assurances to buyers of our puppies:
- Beaubriar Irish Setters is here for you for the life of your dog.
- We will furnish you with signed AKC registration papers, vaccination record, written recommendations for food, vaccination & care of your puppy, copies of bloat & HOD studies & a pedigree. Pedigrees are available in advance upon request.
- Our puppies are in sound body & good health, free from communicable diseases as far as appears to the eye.
- Within 2 weeks of sale, your puppy may be returned for a complete refund due to extenuating circumstances, provided the puppy is not hurt or injured, is in good health and the AKC papers are returned with the puppy.
- If, for any reason, it becomes necessary for you to give up the dog, ownership & possession will revert to Seller. It is understood that Seller would owe no money to Buyer in this event.
- We also guarantee for 2 years that said puppy is free of OFA & PRA issues. If a problem arises, OFA/Penn hip results must be provided showing hip dysplasia. All testing to be done at buyer’s expense. This guarantee is voided if the buyer allows the puppy to run on pavement before the age of 18 months, climb excessive stairs before the age of 1, become overweight or take part in excessive physical activities before the age of 18 months.
- We shall have the right to assume custody of said dog shall it be determined the dog is being abused or neglected.
- Breeding of this dog will only be allowed if certain conditions are met:
- The dog has an OFA good, fair or excellent rating for hips. If the dog receives only a fair OFA rating, it may only be bred if, in the sole discretion of the seller, the Dog’s performance abilities warrant it.
- The dog has achieved a performance or show title offered by AKC. In the case where the dog has not finished a performance or show title, seller may consent to breeding, but only where seller, in it’s sole discretion, believes the dog is of sufficient quality, structure, type & temperament to be bred.
- The dog has a current CERF examination and an Optigen DNA-PRA clearance or an ISGR Eye clearance number issued by the Irish Setter Club of America/OFA.
Buyer agrees to:
- Buyer has 7 days to have the puppy’s health status verified by a licensed Veterinarian. If a problem arises within that time and you have notified Beaubriar Irish Setters, buyer can return the puppy for a refund or replacement if available.
- Buyer will take good & reasonable care of said dog, to feed & house it properly, and to provide the best of attention to the physical welfare of the dog.
- Buyer will update breeder immediately if there are any health or behavorial concerns with the dog.
- Buyer agrees that if, for any reason, it becomes necessary for you to give up the dog, Beaubriar Irish Setters will take the dog back, ownership & possession reverting to seller with no money due buyer.
- Buyer agrees to NEVER relinquish this dog to a shelter or to sell or give away the puppy.
- Buyer agrees to use the Beaubriar kennel name in registering the puppy with AKC.
- Buyer agrees that if the dog is used for breeding, that no puppies produced by said dog shall be sold to pet shops or other wholesale outlets at any time. No puppies produced by said dog shall be relinquished to a shelter or rescue organization.
- Buyer agrees to not take this puppy to public places, such as pet stores or dog parks until the puppy has had all of his/her vaccinations, usually after 16 weeks of age. The puppy will not have all it’s immunities until that time. There are many viruses that are potentially fatal if contracted.
- Buyer understands that allowing the puppy to become overweight, over-vaccinated or failure to provide puppy with an adequate diet, exercise or proper veterinary care will void the health guarantee.